Monday, April 27, 2009

Engaged Classroom Goals for 2009-2010

I definitely plan to increase and improve my technology use in my teaching in 2009-2010. This year was just the beginning - an introduction - of all that I would like to do.
Now that I have my document camera and projections unit and screen, I will never go back to overhead projectors. (Let's face it -- I hardly ever used an overhead anyway.) It is such a great tool for demonstration and instruction.
One of my biggest goals is to become more adept at using the clickers. The students enjoy using the student response system so much, and their being engaged in lessons is the key to them learning. I want to use them on a more regular basis.
I have loved having a class wiki. I typically use My UEN, and I have not yet decided if I prefer that or wikispaces, but one way or another I plan to further advertise my class wiki to parents and students. It is a great resource and an efficient form of communication.
I have been a blogger for a little while now, but have just barely gotten my students into it. They are so excited about writing because of our blog. The potential for improving their communication skills and for teaching the Six Traits if writing via blogging is exciting to me. Next year I plan to be more organized with my class blog and really get my students participating with it.
I have used various forms of digital story-telling for many year in my classroom, and I plan to continue to do so. I hope to have a great student news broadcast running at our school next year. I would like to increase my students' use of digital cameras and PhotoBooth.
I have also been building a collection of technology-based lesson plans and activities to share with others. I plan to expand my website ( to help teachers incorporate technology tools into their teaching of the core curriculum.

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