- Animal Reports - Heredity and Survival - 5th grade
- Animal Reports - Predator/Prey - multiple pages - 9th grade
- Demonstrate patterns created with pattern blocks - work displayed on a ComicLife page - this was used as the consequence for his students fighting at recess - they had to learn to work together to create the patterns
- Class Newspaper - produced monthly
- Moon Movies - kids took photos of moon phases, then put them together into a movie - 6th grade
- Claymation Movies - students take still photos and put them together into a movie
- Non Fiction Book Reports - audio & still photos - created on GarageBand - 6th grade
- Club Blog - for groups and clubs at the school
- Teacher Blog - teacher posts assignments and worksheets on the blog - links to google docs - so if the students lose their copy they have to go online and print themselves a new one - they could even submit online
- Use Excel to create graphs - to avoid problems with different versions of Excel, SaveAs the older version
- Posting assignments online
- Notes to parents about what is going on at school and in the class
- Links
- Calendar
Jing Project
Wee World
Screen Capture - Shift Apple 4
Digital Teaching Tools
Export entire albums from iPhoto to Picasa
Create a Podcast using the document camera - See Kelly's Podcast to learn how:
- Go to "T4 Tips Podcasts"
- Go to "T4 Tips Podcast #40 - AverVision 300 AF+ Document Camera"
- Plug in a USB port from the document camera to your computer
- The AVerVision screen will pop up
- Click the record (the movie reel)
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